Use the Power of Music and Musical Instruments
to Bring Smiles to Children's Faces.


Establishment of the Earthquake Reconstruction Fund
The Japan Musical Instruments Association, a coalition of musical instrument manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in Japan, organized the School Music Revival project on July 20, 2011 to assist with the inspection, repair, and maintenance of musical instruments belonging to preschools and primary, middle, and high schools damaged by the 2011 earthquake in Japan, and bring smiles to the faces of the children who represent our future.


  • 坂本龍一: 音楽家
    Ryuichi Sakamoto
  • 梅村充: 全国楽器協会会長/ヤマハ株式会社社長
    Mitsuru Umemura
    Chairman of the Japan Musical Instruments Association, President and Representative Director of Yamaha Corporation
  • 河合弘隆: 全国楽器製造協会会長/株式会社河合楽器製作所社長
    Hirotaka Kawai
    Chairman of the Japan Musical Instrument Manufacturers Association, President and Representative Director of Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  • 大橋仁: 全国楽器卸商組合連合会会長/株式会社プリマ楽器社長
    Hitoshi Ohashi
    Chairman of the Japan Musical Instrument Wholesalers Association, President and Representative Director of Prima Gakki Co., Ltd.
  • 山野政光: 全国楽器小売商組合連合会会長/株式楽器山野楽器会長
    Masamitsu Yamano
    Chairman of the Japan Musical Instrument Retailers Association, Chairman and Representative Director of Yamano Music Co., Ltd.